JOMC Tools Changelog

Version 1.2.5 (2012-05-23T03:45:15+0000)

Version Date Developer Action Description
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 ADD Added a location attribute to the @XmlSchema annotation of the package. Added a @XmlNs annotation to the @XmlSchema annotation of the package.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a NullPointerException thrown when committing, validating or transforming nonexistent class files.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a ClassCastException thrown when transforming class files using illegal transformations.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 UPDATE Moved the default templates from the jomc-tools artifact to a separate artifact with classifier templates.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated classes and to throw an IOException when passed a nonexistent sourcesDirectory or resourcesDirectory instead of creating the directory.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added a META-INF/sun-jaxb.episode file.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added property templateParameters to class and updated method getVelocityContext to add the parameters to new context instances.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added property templateLocation to class and updated method getVelocityEngine to setup an URLResourceLoader to search for templates at that location in addition to searching the class path.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added property locale to class and updated templates to use the value of that property when producing documentation.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added head-comment and tail-comment attributes to the SourceFileType complex type of the jomc-tools-1.2.xsd schema and updated class to support those attributes.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added ToolsType complex type to the jomc-tools-1.2.xsd schema and updated all complex types to extend that base type.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added attributes final and override to the SourceFilesType and SourceFileType complex types of the jomc-tools-1.2.xsd schema and updated classes and to implement interface org.jomc.model.Inheritable.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added classes, and
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method getModules of class to initialize the modules of the instance if the model of the instance does not hold modules.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method getVelocityContext of class to provide a copy of the model of the instance.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method manageSourceFiles(Specification,File) of class to correctly manage implementations based on flag classDeclaration instead of attribute identifier.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected methods manageSourceFiles of class to truncate files when editing content.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 REMOVE Removed abstract modifier of class
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 REMOVE Removed abstract modifier of method onLog of class
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated method getVelocityEngine of class to not initialize new engine instances adding support for on-demand initialization and to to set velocity runtime property runtime.strict.math
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated class to support multiple source files per specification and implementation. See the CLIRR report.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the location attribute of the SourceFileType complex type of the jomc-tools-1.0.xsd schema from required to optional.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Added the jomc-tools-1.2.xsd schema deprecating the jomc-tools-1.0.xsd schema.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated templates to produce documentation using classes of the Javadoc stylesheet.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated method getResourceBundleDefaultLocale of class to default to the english locale, rather than to the system's default locale.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated getSourceFileType methods of class to no longer create default source file models.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated methods manageSourceFiles of class to use file locking.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getVelocityContext of class to correctly parse template profile property values ending in | to support adding objects to the context created using the public default constructor.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated methods edit(Specification,SourceFileType,File) and edit(Implementation,SourceFileType,File) of class to provide a single VelocityContext instance to all templates involved in rendering a source code file.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated class to add missing support for overwriting source file models of specifications.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated the implementation-messages.vm template of the jomc-java-bundles template profile to correct a java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1 exception thrown for empty messages.
1.2.2 2012-03-05 schulte2005 FIX Corrected method getJavaIdentifier(String,boolean) of class to return the first character lower-cased when given a string having the first character upper-cased.
1.2.2 2012-03-05 schulte2005 FIX Corrected methods getJavaMethodParameterName of class to prepend a _ character to parameter names equal to Java keywords.
1.2.3 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Corrected methods getJavaIdentifier(String,boolean) and getJavaMethodParameterName(String) of class to convert case using the locale of the instance.
1.2.3 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-modlet dependency from 1.2 to 1.2.1. See the Changes report.
1.2.3 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from 1.2 to 1.2.3. See the Changes report.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getIndentation(int) of class to correct a concurrency issue.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getVelocityContext of class to correct a concurrency issue.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getListeners of class to correct a concurrency issue.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getTemplateParameters of class to correct a concurrency issue.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method setTemplateLocation of class to reset the default velocity engine of the instance.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getVelocityContext of class to honour template locations specified using method setTemplateLocation( when searching for resources.
1.2.4 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4. See the Changes report.
1.2.5 2012-05-23 schulte2005 FIX Updated method getVelocityContext of class to not log for non-existent files and to stop caching when reading the resource fails.