Maven JOMC Plugin Changelog
Version 1.2.4 (2012-04-01T01:34:41+0000)
Version | Date | Developer | Action | Description |
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter attachMainModuleExecutionStrategy to
the attach-main-module goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter attachTestModuleExecutionStrategy to
the attach-test-module goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter commitMainClassesExecutionStrategy to
the commit-main-classes goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter validateMainClassesExecutionStrategy to
the validate-main-classes goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter validateMainModelExecutionStrategy to
the validate-main-model goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter writeMainResourcesExecutionStrategy to
the write-main-resources goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter manageMainSourcesExecutionStrategy to
the manage-main-sources goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter commitTestClassesExecutionStrategy to
the commit-test-classes goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter validateTestClassesExecutionStrategy to
the validate-test-classes goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter validateTestModelExecutionStrategy to
the validate-test-model goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter writeTestResourcesExecutionStrategy to
the write-test-resources goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter manageTestSourcesExecutionStrategy to
the manage-test-sources goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter dumpMainInstanceExecutionStrategy to
the dump-main-instance goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter dumpTestInstanceExecutionStrategy to
the dump-test-instance goal of the maven-jomc-plugin and added support for execution
strategies always and once-per-session .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added goals validate-main-classpath ,
validate-test-classpath , show-main-model , show-main-instance ,
show-main-specification , show-test-model , show-test-instance and
show-test-specification to the maven-jomc-plugin .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameters sessionDirectory ,
sourceDirectory , testSourceDirectory , outputDirectory and
testOutputDirectory to all goals of the maven-jomc-plugin .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter verbose to the
attach-main-module and attach-test-module goals of the
maven-jomc-plugin .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameters moduleEncoding and
modletEncoding to class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer of the
maven-jomc-plugin .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected a MissingResourceException thrown by the
validate-main-model and validate-test-model goals of the maven-jomc-plugin
when detecting invalid models.
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected the validate-main-classes and
validate-test-classes goals of the maven-jomc-plugin to display any validation report
details and to fail the build when detecting invalid class files.
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected the commit-main-classes ,
commit-test-classes , validate-main-classes , validate-test-classes ,
write-main-resources and write-test-resources goals of the
maven-jomc-plugin to use parameters classesDirectory and
testClassesDirectory .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected a ClassCastException thrown by class
org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer when transforming merged documents with stylesheets producing
illegal transformation results.
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | REMOVE | Deprecated parameters classesDirectory and
testClassesDirectory of all goals of the maven-jomc-plugin in favour of parameters
outputDirectory and testOutputDirectory .
1.1 | 2010-07-28 | schulte2005 | REMOVE | Removed goals dump-main-instance and
dump-test-instance of the maven-jomc-plugin in favour of goals
show-main-instance and show-test-instance .
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added class
org.jomc.mojo.JomcContainerDescriptorHandler to add support for assembling JOMC resources using the
Maven Assembly Plugin.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameters modelContextClassName ,
modletSchemaSystemId , velocityProperties , templateParameters ,
transformationParameters , transformationOutputProperties ,
classFileProcessorClassName , resourceFileProcessorClassName ,
sourceFileProcessorClassName , templateLocation , velocityPropertyResources ,
templateParameterResources , transformationParameterResources , locale ,
modletResourceValidationEnabled , modelResourceValidationEnabled and
modelContextAttributes to goals commit-main-classes , commit-test-classes ,
validate-main-classes , validate-test-classes , validate-main-classpath ,
validate-test-classpath , show-main-instance , show-test-instance ,
show-main-model , show-test-model , validate-main-model ,
validate-test-model , write-main-resources , write-test-resources ,
manage-main-sources , manage-test-sources , show-main-specification and
show-test-specification .
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter modelObjectStylesheetResources to
goals commit-main-classes and commit-test-classes deprecating parameter
modelObjectStylesheet .
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter mainResourcesOutputDirectory to
the write-main-resources goal.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameter testResourcesOutputDirectory to
the write-test-resources goal.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | ADD | Added parameters modelContextClassName and
modelContextAttributes to class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer .
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected goals write-main-resources and
write-test-resources to add a corresponding resource to the maven project.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected goals commit-main-classes and
commit-test-classes to create Transformer s supporting resolution of relative URIs
based on the system id of model object style sheets.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected goals commit-main-classes and
commit-test-classes to not leave input streams open when reading style sheet resources.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected a NullPointerException thrown by class
org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer if mandatory parameters are not set.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer
to ignore/override any modletResource and moduleResource resources not merged due to
modletResources and moduleResources .
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | UPDATE | Updated class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer
to use default values of class org.jomc.modlet.DefaultModletProvider for parameters
modletResource and modletResources instead of the hardcoded
META-INF/jomc-modlet.xml default.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | UPDATE | Updated class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer
to use default values of class org.jomc.model.modlet.DefaultModelProvider for parameters
moduleResource and moduleResources instead of the hardcoded
META-INF/jomc.xml default.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | UPDATE | Updated class org.jomc.mojo.JomcResourceTransformer
to add system properties to transformers as parameters.
1.2 | 2012-02-16 | schulte2005 | UPDATE | Updated goals commit-main-classes and
commit-test-classes to add system properties to transformers as parameters.
1.2.1 | 2012-02-28 | schulte2005 | FIX | Corrected goals write-main-resources and
write-test-resources to not add a corresponding resource to the maven project for projects without
1.2.1 | 2012-02-28 | schulte2005 | FIX | Updated the version of the jomc-tools dependency from
1.2 to 1.2.1 |
1.2.2 | 2012-03-05 | schulte2005 | FIX | Updated the version of the jomc-tools dependency from
1.2.1 to 1.2.2 |
1.2.3 | 2012-03-15 | schulte2005 | FIX | Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from
1.2 to 1.2.1 |
1.2.4 | 2012-04-01 | schulte2005 | FIX | Updated the version of the jomc-modlet dependency from
1.2 to 1.2.1 |
1.2.4 | 2012-04-01 | schulte2005 | FIX | Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from
1.2.1 to 1.2.3 |
1.2.4 | 2012-04-01 | schulte2005 | FIX | Updated the version of the jomc-tools dependency from
1.2.2 to 1.2.3 |