JOMC CLI Changelog

Version 1.2.6 (2012-04-01T05:07:16+0000)

Version Date Developer Action Description
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 ADD Added option document-encoding to the merge-modules and merge-modlets commands of the command line application.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 ADD Added command show-model to the command line application.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 ADD Added options specification and implementation to the generate-resources, manage-sources, commit-classes and validate-classes commands of the command line application.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the classes-dir option of the command line application to disallow multiple values.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the validate-classes command of the command line application to display any validation report details and to exit with a failure code when detecting invalid class files.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the merge-modlets command of the command line application to exclude the applications' modlets when not included otherwise.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a ClassCastException thrown by the merge-modules command when providing a stylesheet producing an illegal transformation result.
1.1 2010-07-28 schulte2005 FIX Corrected a ClassCastException thrown by the merge-modlets command when providing a stylesheet producing an illegal transformation result.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options default-template-profile, indentation, input-encoding, line-separator, model-context-class, modlet-schema-system-id, no-resource-processing, output-encoding, resource-file-processor-class, template-encoding, template-location, template-profile, country and locale-variant to the generate-resources command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options model-context-class, no-source-processing, source-file-processor-class, language, country and locale-variantto the manage-sources command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options class-file-processor-class, default-template-profile, indentation, input-encoding, language, line-separator, model-context-class, modlet-schema-system-id, no-class-processing, output-encoding, template-encoding, template-location, template-profile, stylesheet, country and locale-variant to the commit-classes command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options class-file-processor-class, default-template-profile, indentation, input-encoding, language, line-separator, model-context-class, modlet-schema-system-id, no-class-processing, output-encoding, template-encoding, template-location, template-profile, country and locale-variantto the validate-classes command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options model-context-class and modlet-schema-system-id to the merge-modules command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options model-context-class and modlet-schema-system-id to the merge-modlets command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options model-context-class and modlet-schema-system-id to the validate-model command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added options model-context-class and modlet-schema-system-id to the show-model command of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added option resource-names to the merge-modlets and merge-modules commands of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added option no-modlet-resource-validation to the commit-classes, generate-resources, manage-sources, merge-modlets, merge-modules, show-model, validate-classes and validate-model commands of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 ADD Added option no-modlet-resource-validation to the commit-classes, generate-resources, manage-sources, merge-modules, show-model, validate-classes and validate-model commands of the command line application.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 FIX Corrected the resource-dir and source-dir command line arguments to disallow multiple values.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 REMOVE Removed optional oro Java archive from distribution.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the merge-modlets and merge-modules commands of the command line application to add system properties to Transformers as parameters.
1.2 2012-02-16 schulte2005 UPDATE Added a stylesheet option to the commit-classes command of the command line application to support class file transformations.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 FIX Added missing org/jomc/tools/templates/jomc-cli/ resource to the attached templates archive.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-tools dependency from 1.2 to 1.2.1. See the Changes report.
1.2.1 2012-02-28 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the jomc-ant-tasks from 1.2 to 1.2.1.
1.2.2 2012-02-29 schulte2005 FIX Updated to include correct artifact versions in the distribution archives.
1.2.3 2012-03-05 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-tools dependency from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. See the Changes report.
1.2.3 2012-03-05 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-ri dependency from 1.2 to 1.2.1. See the Changes report.
1.2.3 2012-03-05 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the maven-jomc-plugin from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. See the Changes report.
1.2.3 2012-03-05 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the jomc-ant-tasks from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. See the Changes report.
1.2.4 2012-03-15 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from 1.2 to 1.2.1. See the Changes report.
1.2.4 2012-03-15 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the maven-jomc-plugin from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3. See the Changes report.
1.2.4 2012-03-15 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the jomc-ant-tasks from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3. See the Changes report.
1.2.4 2012-03-15 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the jaxp-api artifact from 1.4.2 to 1.4.5.
1.2.4 2012-03-15 schulte2005 UPDATE Updated the version of the jaxp-ri artifact from 1.4.2 to 1.4.5.
1.2.5 2012-03-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. See the Changes report.
1.2.5 2012-03-28 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-ri dependency from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2. See the Changes report.
1.2.6 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-modlet dependency from 1.2 to 1.2.1. See the Changes report.
1.2.6 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-model dependency from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3. See the Changes report.
1.2.6 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-ri dependency from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3. See the Changes report.
1.2.6 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-tools dependency from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3. See the Changes report.
1.2.6 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the jomc-ant-tasks dependency from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4. See the Changes report.
1.2.6 2012-04-01 schulte2005 FIX Updated the version of the maven-jomc-plugin dependency from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4. See the Changes report.